Q-mic’s new infograph
The Q-mic consortium creates an infograph aimed at visually explaining the goals of developing this unique microscope.
Would you like to understand what is the objective of the Q-mic project? Want to know why the technology used for the development of the microscope is different from the rest.
Take a look at the infograph that has been elaborated for this project. This infograph intends to show the overall view of the Q-mic project, the history of microscopy and how it has helped advance our knowledge of the microscopic world, how novel techniques are allowing us to delve into the smaller regime constantly and why Q-mic will make a difference.
The infograph aims to explain why the consortium that is putting together Q-mic uses a quantum light source to produce a special type of light, a free-lens differential contrast interference device and a novel SPAD imager to image the sample and be able to obtain outstanding images of transparent objects with an extremely high-resolution.